Friday, July 11, 2008


i lost my job. i'm terrified.


Katie said...

What? Call me or send me a message.

Jeff and Yvonne Weinstein said...

oh my goodness! Your dads blog says you are living with your's to a supportive family! Sounds like you need to dust off your job application smile and do the best you can.... You'll find another.

I hope you have found a group to worship with. Now is not the time to be hiding from the body, god sees everything and knows everything and loves you all the more through it, so no use hiding out from his people who can help you, and don't be giving me none of that "I'm gifted on this or that area" so somehow that exempts you from being human and making mistakes and blowing it bigtime and hurting a whole big bunch? Love you, so that is why I said this.get to people who will love to help you and have the resources. A church.