Thursday, July 17, 2008


well i sucked it up on the Panera Bread interview... because iiiii suck. I need to get my act together. I need a Job where i'll be happy... i mean, i know you cant always be happy with your job but god... it sucked going to work when i hated it... i had something good and i blew it, because i'm a tard.

i feel pretty low... I hate bitching but... its just too easy ha.

i really want to make a lot of money. anyone know any good jobs where you can make a lot of money, besides prostitution?

I wish i looked glamerous. i wish i had hair that didnt suck. I wish clothes looked good on me. I wish i didnt compare myself to others. i wish i had motivation. i wish.... i wish too much and too hard.


Katie said...

I'm wishing many of the same things. Except I wish i wasn't socailly awkward too. Well, you always have me :)

Umm, you could be a server. They make good money. But it's real bitch work. You might not be so happy with that. Oh, and excatly how did you mess up an interview? I'm impressed :)

Kate said...

Your worth does not come from your body, your mind, your work, what you produce, what you put out, how much money you make. Your worth does not come from whether or not you have a man. Your worth does not come from whether or not men notice you. You have inestimable worth that comes from your creator...YOU ARE ALREADY LOVED